St. Columban Cemetery
St. Columban, Quebec, Canada was settled mainly by Irish Immigrants in the early 1800’s.
On October 1st 2005, a number of family researchers visited the area.
We had heard that some tombstones, due to vandalism and the simple ravages of time, had fallen over. We had also heard that many of them had been unceremoniously discarded behind the St. Columban Catholic Church.
Cemetery at St. Columban, Quebec
Many of us were not prepared to discover that the final markers of many of our original Irish ancestors to Canada, were to be found in the “bush” behind the church. They were thrown on top of one and another – broken and forgotten. As well, we found some other broken tombstones, still in the cemetery, but they simply lay on the ground or were standing against other upright tombstones.
St Columban researchers discover discarded tombstones in the “bush” behind the St. Columban Catholic Church.
Just a few of the many broken & discarded tombstones found in the “bush”
As descendants of these original pioneers, we are outraged at this treatment of these last markers. And, we are determined to do something about it!
Kelley O’Rourke-Thomassin – (orourke.kelley@yahoo.com) has already started with efforts to find the government departments and/or individuals responsible for repairs to Cemeteries & gravestones.
We will likely need both your suggestions and your help as we proceed…
Do you have any suggestions on who we might contact?
Would you be willing to volunteer some time if we physically have to help with the project?
Would you be willing to contribute money if we have to raise funding to make this project fully or partially self-financing? See our Maintenance Fund page.
Please forward any of your comments on this Cemetery Restoration project using our contact form.
Thank You