St. Columban Lot Registrations ca. 1860
This list, showing lot number and the individual to whom the lot was registered, has been extracted from an unofficial cadastral map of the St. Columban area, ca. 1860. A space between groups of names indicates non-contiguous sections of the community. All spellings used herein are as recorded in the original, the source of which is unknown.
0972 Louis Miron
0973 Louis Miron
0974 Isadore Vezeau, Alfred Renaud
0975 Leandre Ouimet
0976 Louis Hotte, Alfred Roy
0977 Samuel Langlois
0978 Charles Langlois
0979 Michael Hughes
0980 Louis Hotte
0981 Gabriel Ouellette
0982 Michael Hughes
0983 Ed Hiro
0984 John Grace, Francois Caron
0985 Alexander McKenzie
0986 Alexander McKenzie
0987 Alexander McKenzie
0988 Michael Sexton
0989 Widow Owen Manning
0990 James Hall
0991 James Hall
0992 Hughes Reilly
0993 William Casey
0994 Widow Owen Manning
0995 William Fieldhouse
0996 Fabien Poitras, Odile Daragon, Samuel Bourque
0997 Fabien Poitras, Odile Daragon, Samuel Bourque
0998 George Walsh
0999 Michael and John Tracy
1000 William Murphy
1001 George Walsh
1002 Thomas and James Donaghey
1003 Thomas and James Donaghey
1004 James Murray, Octave Biroleau
1005 Michael Dunn
1006 Michael Dunn
1007 Michael Dunn
1008 John Power
1009 John Power, Richard Power, James Murray
1010 James Murray
1011 John-Joseph Ryan
1012 John Ryan
1013 John Ryan, Widow and Heirs of John Murphy
1014 Thomas Breen
1015 Patrick Murphy, James Dobbie
1016 James Molly
1017 John McDonald
1018 John McDonald
1019 James Dobbie
1020 James Dobbie
1021 Thomas Dobbie
1022 Edmund Mooney
1023 Edmund Mooney
1024 Oscar Barsalov
1025 Gregoire Grenier
1026 John Kehoe
1027 Matthew Shay
1028 Matthew Shay
1029 James Shay
1030 James Shay
1031 Robert Millar
1032 Robert Millar
1033 Gregory Forester
1034 Gregory Forester
1035 Robert Millar
1036 Henry Pridgit, Gregory Forester
1092 Philip Kennedy
1093 Thomas Breenan
1094 Edmund Mooney
1095 John Slattery
1096 Widow of Thomas Brophy
1097 Michael Tracy
1098 Michael Shehan
1099 Michael Shehan
1100 Edmund Mooney
1101 Leo Fortier
1102 James Campbell
1103 Patrick McGuire
1104 Thomas Cullen
1105 Widow of Patrick Shehan
1106 Patrick Kelly
1107 John Kenna, Patrick Kelly
1108 Daniel Kenna
1109 Lawrence Brophy
1110 Lawrence Brophy
1111 Patrick Phelan
1112 William Wade
1113 Michael Phelan
1114 Michael Phelan
1115 John Phelan
1116 Widow of Patrick Shehan
1117 John Phelan
1118 John Phelan
1119 Andrew Keyes
1120 John O’Brien
1121 Denis McCarthy
1122 Thomas Purcell
1123 Jeremiah Howard
1124 John Kenna
1125 John Kenna
1126 James Culfinan
1127 John Murphy
1128 James Casey
1129 John Purcell
1130 Ed Meegan
1131 Felix Casey
1132 Robert Dempsey, Felix Casey
1133 Robert Dempsey
1134 Timothy Murhy
1135 John Laverty
1136 Patrick Phelan
1137 Patrick Phelan
1138 Daniel O’Leary
1139 Pierre Lafontaine
1140 John Phelan
1141 Maurice Lafantaisie
1142 James McGrath
1143 Widow Thomas Brophy
1144 Widow Thomas Brophy
1145 Hugh Hart
1146 Hugh Hart
1147 Martin Blanchfield-Whelan
1148 Martin Blanchfield-Whelan
1149 Michael Molly
1150 Michael Molly
1151 Michael Molly
1153 Heirs of William Casey
1154 John Flynn
1155 Michael McLaughlin
1156 John McLaughlin
1157 John Phelan
1158 John Phelan
1159 John Phelan
1160 John Phelan
1161 Joseph Bradshaw
1162 Joseph Bradshaw
1163 Joseph Bradshaw
1164 Michael Dwyer
1165 Thomas Barrett
1166 Thomas Barrett
1167 Denis McCarthy
1168 Michael Dwyer
1169 James Grace
1170 James Grace
1171 Matthey O’Leary
1172 Matthey O’Leary
1173 John Burke
1174 Thomas Burke
1175 John Murphy-McKenzie
1176 John Murphy-McKenzie
11xx Lawrence Brophy
11xx John McKeown
1179 John Stapleton
1180 Mlle. Mary Phelan
1181 Patrick Grace
1182 Patrick Grace
1183 Michael Grace
1184 Thomas Kinshala
1185 Thomas Kinshala
1186 Daniel Kenna
1187 Widow of Patrick McCarthy
1188 Patrick Shaughnessy
1189 Ed Dwyer
1190 Widow of William Carroll
1191 John Burke
1192 Michael Flaherty
1193 Widow of Michael McCarthy
1194 Denis McCarthy
1195 John Stapleton
1196 Patrick Grace
1197 Patrick Burns
1198 Michael Skelly
1199 Michael Skelly
1200 James Skelly
1201 John Kennedy
1202 Patrick Connor
1203 Patrick Keyes
1204 J. Relly
1205 James Molloy
1206 Patrick Pearse
1207 Patrick Pearce
1208 Joseph Biroleau
1209 Philip Kennedy, Joseph Biroleau
1210 Patrick Keyes
1211 Patrick Keyes
1212 Patrick Ryan
1213 Patrick Ryan
1214 Timothy Kelly
1215 Hugh Kelly, Timothy Kelly
1216 Hugh Kelly
1217 Patrick Madden
1218 Helene De Lamothe
1219 William Barrett
1220 William Barrett
1221 Hugh Hart
1222 Francis Lanigan
1223 Hugh Madden
1224 Widow of Michael White
1225 Patrick Murphy
1226 Patrick Murphy
1227 Patrick Madden
1228 John Phelan
1229 John Phelan
1230 John Phelan
1231 John Phelan
1232 Martin Franey, Michael O’Dy
1233 Martin Franey, Michael O’Dy
1234 Martin Franey, Michael O’Dy
1235 Michael Phelan
1236 Daniel Phelan
1237 George Williams
1238 George Williams
1239 Neil McKeown
1240 James Grimes
1241 James Grimes
1242 Francis Donaghy
1243 Patrick Purcell
1244 James Barry
1245 John Phelan, Lawrence Purcell
1246 Lawrence Brophy, Lawrence Purcell
1247 Thomas Strong, Francis Dwyer, Barnard Burns (Madden) William
Strong (Madden) Ed. Elliot
1248 Blank
1249 Blank
1250 Mathew O’Neil
1251 Hugh Magan
1252 Hugh McAlley
1253 John McAlley, James Murphy
1254 John McAlley
1255 James Murphy
1256 James Murphy
1257 James Murphy
1258 James Kennedy
1259 James Kennedy (P. Madden)
1260 William Reynolds
1261 Widow of Felix Murphy
1262 Widow of Francis Boyle
1263 John Burke
1264 John Burke
1265 John Burke
1266 James Blanchfield
1267 Daniel O’Leary
1268 Daniel O’Leary
1269 Daniel O’Leary
1270 Daniel O’Leary
1271 James Barry
1272 James Blanchfield
1273 James Blanchfield
1274 Cornelius O’Leary
1275 John Phelan and Widow of John Healy
1276 Joseph Meloche
1277 Francis Monahan
1278 Widow of Thomas Whalen
1279 Matthew Whalen
1280 Patrick Purcell
1281 Widow of James Kelly
1282 Denis O’Leary
1283 William Walsh
1284 Hugh and James Quinlan
1285 Widow of Lawrence Stapleton
1286 John Stapleton
1287 James Burk
1288 Denis O’Leary
1289 James Murphy
1290 John Phelan
1291 John Phelan
1292 Joseph Gingras
1293 John Murphy
1294 James Quinlan
1295 William Horan
1296 Patrick Lowell
1297 Patrick Lowell
1298 John Healy